Tuesday, October 17, 2017


After looking at tons of pictures of ASCII art I have found it interesting. At first it is quite hard to figure out what some of the pictures are, however when you realize what it is when you can appreciate it sorta. I find the first the picture on the main page kinda cute since its close to halloween and the pictures is of witches, but the witches is the only thing I can actually visualize in that ASCII picture. I have no clue what's around them unless it might be a sky but then why is it curved and whats the tail thing. Is it a pumpkin?

I feel like everyone at one point in their life has tried to make these on their Facebook timeline or in the comment section or where ever. i personally tried it when i was about 10 or 11. i am way to impatient to try and do this or figure this out but, it is impressive. looking at the more spaced out codes that make pictures like the witches or the devil so on and so on, i find it harder to make out. also, the first picture of the girl under anime tab and others the girl is really hard to make out in my opinion you have to look at it for a few seconds to see its a girl.

I like how some of the pictures use the contrast of shading by making some symbols bold or uppercase or lowercase.... overall I don't find it really cool to look at for a long time or really appreciate it as an art form because it gives me a headache trying to figure out what some of these pictures are and it's only kinda cool when the picture is a super simple design and you look at it for like .02 seconds scrolling through your timeline (it's kinda cool but really annoying, honestly I just hate anything having to do with computers)

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